Sunday 3 October 2010

Part 12. - Look to the star.. signs.


I have to admit I'm not one of those girls that buys into superstitions, destiny and especially horoscopes, but sometimes you do read something that is so right on that it makes you think that maybe there is something to it.

I've accepted the fact that my whole life is a big cliche, but I'm still not exactly your ordinary girl... take the fact that I made a cheesecake today while breaking in my new heels. I was up on the kitchen counter grabbing things out the cupboard in these floral heels and dancing around with the broom as I cleared up the first lot of 200g biscuits I might of accident spilled on the floor.. I'm not sure I know many girls who spend their Sunday afternoons that way. I also screwed some numbers on our front door, but that's worthy of it's own post. I'd hate to think I was like every other girl and even though I'm a cliche, I still like to be different. I don't even care if that makes me odd or eccentric..

However, today I read a monthly forecast for my star sign, Pisces, and it was quite creepily correct. This prompted me to do a little bit of research into the typical characteristics of a Pisces girl and I was shocked how much my personality reflects just that! I've read through bits and pieces on different website, some made me laugh because it was so accurate. Of course I'm not over joyed that I'm completely unique. Here are some of my favourite bits that I identify with, I've even put some in bold.
Pisces, the extreme, sensitive and unusual. You desperately want to do the right thing, however this is not always easy for you as you must follow that small voice within you for good or bad. To constrict your uniqueness would make you extremely unhappy.

You like to drift into a dream world where you can forget the harsher realities of life. You have a great deal of charm, humor and sympathy which enables you to open doors that others are not capable of. You are very creative, however due to your escapist tendencies you often don't obtain your goals and objectives.

Female Pisces, you are difficult to understand due to your innate ability to use emotional blackmail in order to get what you want. If denied you can revert to over-indulgence which is really a double edged sword no matter how you look at it. You must help yourself by developing your creative talents. You tend to play mind games with those that get close to you.

You are sentimental, affectionate and sensation-seeking when it comes to the heart. Your moods alternate to extremes, therefore it is difficult to get the same impression twice. You are a chameleon, you invariably change your mannerisms, imitating whoever you are in contact with. When alone you are quite unique.

You are feminine, intuitive, responsive and sensual. You are drawn to the creative or occult subjects. You are empathetic to those who have problems, therefore you often get used. You are a great one for fantasizing and in fact acting out your desires.

Your biggest problem is that you tend to pick the wrong mate, resulting in the need to have extra marital affairs in order to receive the affection necessary for your survival. You are also prone to tears and extremely good at using emotional blackmail.
This unfortunately came from yahoo answers (anyone else find some of those answers the funniest thing ever?) but it sums up everything I'd read elsewhere. I read some of this and think "wow, I'm actually quite a pathetic person" but I know i'm not, my head and my heart are completely ruled by the bohemian values, and I know that makes me a good person. Well minus the emotional blackmail of course..

Are all the others as accurate as this? I went through some of the other star signs and I just didn't fit them half as well as I fit the Pisces profile!

1 comment:

Samantha said...

I just read the traits for a typical Aries and I'd say its pretty true! Some parts of it were a bit harsh, like yours!, but I guess everyone has negative points but our positives are greater - of course!!